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TaiOng™ NFT Marketplace Development

Our NFT marketplace development team can help you build an organization to develop, issue, manage and trade non fungible tokens on the web or as a mobile application.


Perfect Customization

The project will be planned by our as per your requirement specification. We offer a customization service that can be tailored to the users' requirements.



We offer API and external wallet integration facilities to provide the best user experience for customers.



The user can clearly see every transaction that takes place in the market. The blockchain network ensures an error-free payment process and smooth transactions.


Enhanced Security

We will provides complete audit and security tests of your current smart contracts. Our built-in security protects against loss of transactions and other unwanted actions as it is protected by private keys.


Smart contracts

Smart contracts are initiated by digitally signing an agreement to prevent fraud and eliminate commission-free intermediaries. Smart contracts are written in lines of code to automate the process.


Ongoing support

 We are not just maintain the current infrastructure of a project, but troubleshoots third-party integrations, keeps the nodes in working order, and resolves any and all compatibility issues.

Development Process


UI/UX Development
and Create Prototype

Simplifying and optimizing your UI/UX is the key to building a successful NFT marketplace platform. You can create a user interface that's intuitive, straightforward and pleasurable to use.


NFT Development

A tried-and-tested NFT marketplace development company can help you design the framework for your NFT platform, guaranteeing superior functionality and easy adoption by your users.


Smart contract development

We will develop smart contracts needed for the seamless functioning of the marketplace. We develop bullet-proof, secure, and TPS-friendly smart contracts. Pre-launch audit is included in the plan



This is the process of developing front and back-end interfaces to interact with the smart-contracts business logic deployed on the blockchain network.


Test and Launch

Your users need to have the platform that is free from bugs and unpleasant corner cases. After several rounds of thorough testing, your NFT marketplace platform is ready to be deployed to production.

Unleash the power of blockchain and launch your groundbreaking NFT marketplace with us!


1. What is an Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace?


An NFT marketplace is a digital platform where users will be able to buy and sell NFTs. It is similar to an eCommerce marketplace except for the fact that the users will be trading digital assets here instead of physical commodities. 


2. What is an Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?


A non-fungible token is a financial security consisting of digital data stored in a blockchain, a form of distributed ledger. The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain, and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded in NFT Marketplace.


3. What is the time and cost for White Label NFT Marketplace Development?


It depends on the project’s complexity, budget, and terms. As a rough estimate, you can expect 3 to 8 months for a complete cycle of NFT marketplace development. Its average cost is about $150,000. The cost can vary depending on individual requirements of your project. This represents an average for what it took us to deliver previous projects. 


4. What affects the cost of NFT marketplace development?


The simple answer is the sophistication of the marketplace design, the number of integrated blockchain networks, third-party integrations, mobile app development, complexity of smart contracts, and other features. The cost of an NFT marketplace development can be varied since everything varies greatly from project to project. Please contact us for more details.


5. Do you provide customized NFT Marketplace Development services?


Absolutely! If you are looking for NFT Marketplace development services then trust us to help you build and deploy a successful NFT marketplace to establish a corporate identity and meet your goals.


6. How To Create an NFT Marketplace development platform like Opensea?


If you are looking to create an NFT Marketplace development platform like Opensea then consult with us today to provide your users with a NFT platform to easily develop, buy and sell orders of assets from your decentralized application (dApp).



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